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So the fact of the matter is without people like Missionaries to the Preborn there would be no letter writers to Congress because they would forget about the issue. The fact of the matter is without people who are willing to go to jail for a cause in which we claim that human life is being taken there would be no people running crisis pregnancy centers because the issue would have been relegated to the comfortable middle American back burner along with other do-goodism and hand wringing and pietism of the kind with which we are all too familiar, and which substitutes for most of the church in this country.
And the fact that those of us who find other ways of expressing our pro-life convictions, whether it is speaking, or writing, or making films, or picketing, or writing letters or running for office, or donating money, or volunteering for a crisis pregnancy hotline, our work only makes sense because of the people willing to be arrested, and I'll tell you why. Because if abortion truly is murder, and no one is willing to get arrested to stop it, it gives the lie to our claim. If abortion is truly the taking of human life, and no one is willing to go out in the heat of the day and act as if that is more than an intellectual proposition, and actually behave as each one of us would confronted with the murder of a loved one who we knew, then our claims that this is a serious pivotal issue around which the fate of our nation will revolve sounds very hollow indeed.
It is the rearing of the head of the brave new world of which Huxley wrote, it is the rearing of the head of the politics of "Animal Farm" and Orwell's "1984." And if you want to see a movie that I would suggest you all rent sometime, whether you are nice Christians that don't watch R rated movies or not I suggest you make the exception for this one, go down to your local video store and rent Ridley Scott's "Bladerunner." "Bladerunner" is the future of the United States of America if the pro-abortion side wins. A country, a country divided into two peoples living in one land. One group, the yuppie fascists that control the society living in the high towers of the mythical Los Angeles, while on the street, it rains perpetually on second-class citizens, mutants, mere, mere creations of genetic engineering in which false life forms are toyed with and experimented with, in which human life is trivialized, in which the meaning of sacredness and dignity is squandered for profit and filthy greed, in which the freedoms so hard won in the Second World War and by our forefathers are squandered as we ourselves create the Nazi totalitarian nightmare as if we had lost the war and were now forty or fifty years into the eugenics program. No longer now aided and abetted by cranky pseudo-scientists like Margaret Sanger, but now aided and abetted by the real and naked fist of amoral modern technology as it rolls up its sleeves in the human genome project and gets ready once and for all to sort out this sorry mess called the human race, and to see that none survive but those created in the image of the knowledge elite. That is the future. If you want to look into the mirror of tomorrow that you are leaving your children, look at "Bladerunner" and look at it again. And contemplate it, and to use the biblical phrase, "bind its truth to your heart."
The future, the future of this country, is a geneticists, is a geneticists plaything, and is a nightmare to those who have any conception however vague or remote, however vague and distant, of ideas which once rang in our republic, of freedom, and dignity, and equal rights before the law; due process, and representation before the court system.
Let us call Clinton and the Democratic party what they are. They are the spearhead of the new neo-Nazi eugenic movement. <applause> I frankly do not care if his miserable wife bakes cookies or not. <laughter and applause> Nor by the way am I moved by Al Gore's tearful testimonals to how moved he was looking into the eyes of his dying child. Every abortionist does the same every day of the week and his platform will kill millions of little boys. <applause>
And if George Bush, our President, and the other political leaders elected to Congress were not so greedy for the American public's vote but would tell them the truth, they would tell you first that we here in this country having won the Second World War against eugenics and social engineering have lost the peace. That we in this country are not what George Bush said in his last State of the Union speech, when he said we are basically a good people. That is a lie. We the American people tonight, you and I, are by any historic definition an evil people. We are barbarian. We are on the side of tyranny. We, we today are in the place that Stalin was in the 30's. The only difference is, that we are much cleverer about it. That our social engineering product works because it is tied to the free market and gives an illusion of prosperity. But behind that facade is death. Behind the facade of peace there is no peace. We in this country have developed to a science the art of self-esteem for no reason. We in this country are perfecting the idea that we must feel good about ourselves and that the only national sin is to not achieve full use of your human potential. Well let me tell you something. Measured by the standard of the Nuremburg war crimes trials this nation now stands accused and convicted. Measured by the standard of Winston Churchill that he applied against Hitler when he said, "I shall track the dog to his lair," measured by that standard, we are an evil people, not a good people, and all this wishy-washy nice middle American pie in the sky to the contrary is a lie. It is a drug with which to put our minds to sleep in which we say we are still a good people.
That it itself begins to simply be, simply be like the German Lutheran church that sat at the gates of the Nazi holocaust and did nothing because their great, en quote, theologian Scheilmarcher had told them following the logic of Lutheran pietism, that to be a good Christian simply meant to be a good German. We've heard that in our country all too often. America first, America the beautiful, America the great, God and country. Well it isn't God and country anymore. It's Satan and country. And we must stand in opposition. We must stand in opposition to that new America, not be fawning pawns of a system of government and education which is creating a new barbarism the likes of which would be the envy of Hitler and Stalin. And therefore we have two tasks. It is to confront a stupid, moronic, sleepy, ghettoized church on one hand and a greedy, lascivious, barbarous, fascism on the other. And it's not a pretty picture. And in between there is a true ecumenicism, where all real Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Protestant evangelicals, charismatics and fundamentalists will join hands in the only true church in America today, and that is usually found sitting outside of a pro-life clinic in the heat of the day. God bless you. <applause>
Originally transcribed January, 1998 |
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