Recent Feature Articles
Documentary? No, anti-abortion propaganda.
Dr. Tiller says "abortion is a matter of survival for women," then an image of a sonogram is utilized to cancel out/short circuit precisely that focus on women. Throughout this portion, a heartbeat-like sound effect plays.
As always, the entire framing of the piece was wrong, and based
in what are more often than not the wrong questions.
Because while this may be about access to abortion and women's
reproductive autonomy for us, ultimately for Operation Rescue (in all
it's iterations) and the like, abortion is merely a
decisionalistic crowbar, a mechanism to be used to find who stands for
or against them in their ongoing quest to remake this country
(ultimately the world) in their own image.
They are part of a revolutionary social movement that seeks to
structure America into what my partner and I have termed for years a
"Biblical America," the social movement that seeks to use
their interpretation of the Bible as the sole basis of all governance
and social interaction.
That effort, far beyond abortion was what you heard in the
streets and in the rallies over the course of the CPA events in
Wichita. Those who think this is merely about abortion simply are not
listening. The entire film missed the very nature of why OR and Roeder
were there in the first place, they were quite simply there to scrape
anyone and anything that is not of them out of their way.
The assassination of Doctor Tiller then, must be understood within
that broader context, not merely of "taking out" a key
abortion provider and outspoken proponent of abortion access, but as
what to them is nothing less than taking territory. When they see this
new Wichita with no providers they see more than merely "no
abortion", they see in certain delusional ways the city and the
area as taken territory. Not just as a place where their Coercive
Pregnancy Indoctrination Centers (gateways to the christian eugenic
adoption movement) can flourish, they see a cleared
space, both metaphorically and literally. A space where they
now hope to firmly install their programs, their politics and
linguistic structures, never mind the fact that their fantasies
rarely unfold the way they wish.
Continue reading >
A followup to The extremist in Rutherford's closet (1998)
Cross-posted to Daily Kos
Frank Schaeffer appeared on Rachel Maddow's show this evening (June 1, 2009), and
also published a Huffington Post article earlier today. Schaeffer
accepted part of the blame for yesterday's murder of George
Tiller. But he still fails to go far enough in reconsidering, and
repudiating, his past views and actions.
While Schaeffer attempts to candy-coat his current views, putting
himself forward as having some kind of change of heart, his current
statements, ultimately, still stigmatize and demonize abortion
providers. "...I
also believe that [abortion] should be re-regulated according to fetal
development. It's the late term abortions that horrify most
Frankly, fetal development is none of Schaeffer's business, nor should
it ever be the government's business. Abortion of any sort, in and of
itself, is not horrible. The matter of abortion is a personal one,
solely the province of a woman, who seeks an abortion for whatever
reason (or no reason), and those who provide abortion. Schaeffer
continues his habit of making statements that inherently serve to
marginalize abortion providers and those who have abortions.
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President Gerald Ford
At Teen Mania's "Stand Up," April 15, 2000
Cross-posted to Daily Kos
Front-paged at Talk to Action
diary last night singing Gerald Ford's praises as having allegedly
kept his faith and his political acts separate finally crossed some
threshold that pushed my partner, Mike Doughney and I, into
commenting. We wrote for the first time about an event we were present
for where Ford threw the full weight of his status as Former President
behind one of many key groups in the Biblical American, or what some
might term the "dominionist", youth movement; by personally appearing
at Teen Mania's "Stand Up" event in Michigan, back in 2000.
This diary, then, are some of the details of that, and unlike
almost most every other piece of writing I've seen since Ford's death,
this is based on a first hand experience, it reflects an event that
happened almost 7 years ago, not during the 1970's.
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Christmas: a time for peace, a time for war
By Mike Doughney with Lauren Sabina Kneisly
'Tis the season when it's not unusual to receive a holiday card inscribed,
on Earth." It's easy to sometimes assume that this sentiment is a
universal one, or if it's not, that it's at least shared by one's neighbors, or
among Christians.
But if there's one overarching, most important thing I've learned in recent
years, it's that one's assumptions can't be trusted when assessing what's going
on among American Christians today.
From time to time, you'll see a report from someone who visited a church and
experienced something we would consider jarring and unexpected, or, as in my
case, came across a blog entry from a member of a church, who's simply relating
what they saw, and how much they thought it was just a wonderful thing.
Yesterday I read one such blog entry, which might serve as an indicator of where
some portion of American Christianity is headed - and where it very well may end
Continue reading >
George W. Bush following remarks on stem cell research policy legislation, July 19, 2006. White House photo
Ok, so why were there kids as the backdrop setting for Bush's
remarks following his veto of the stem cell research bill?
Because these kids are not merely cute props, they are emblematic of,
and the end product of one particular corner of the so-called 'culture
of life' that Bush and his allies are attempting to remake America
These kids, in evangelical adoption parlance, are referred to as
"snowflake children", so named after the "Snowflake Embryo Adoption"
program of Nightlight Christian Adoptions.
For Bush, thousands of couples' frozen embryos are not their
individual genetic material to make their own decisions about. No, the
cryogenically preserved embryos, to Bush, constitute a unique national
resource. One which must be appropriately handled and appropriated, a
national resource in a zero sum game tug of war between stem cell
research and thousands of potential snowflake children reparented into
couples deemed appropriately Christian.
Continue reading >
Tyler, Texas, May 2002. Photo: Mike Doughney/
Your Assumptions Will Not Save Your Skin
By Mike Doughney with Lauren Sabina
Strong title? Perhaps. But that's the kind of feeling I come away with
when I read Talk to Action
or much of what is written about Christianity in America today.
Why? If there's a root cause for my visceral, negative response to
some of what I read, it probably comes from the fact that I don't
identify with any particular institution or tradition. No, this is
about saving my own skin.
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Abortion is about autonomy. Autonomy is a core value
From Lauren Sabina Kneisly's diary at Daily Kos, written in response to
this article.
It's always painful when places you thought might be one of the last
few outposts of sanity's owner and other readers decide they're
willing to trade your life away, and the lives of others away, and
ultimately their own lives away, because for some reason, they
genuinely don't understand what's at stake. Words are important, and
so tonight, at Daily
Kos, I, as one of the written off, am going to write a diary for
the first time, raise my voice, and once AGAIN tell so called
'friends' how much they're hurting the people next to them. To say
nothing of how much they're cutting their own throats in the process.

Sorry Markos, but "abortion" IS the whole ball of wax. It is, for
those of you who've read their "Art of War" our "dying ground;" it is
one of the "must defends" if we're going to survive. Why? Because far
from some cute little women's issue deserving lip service and to be
refiled under some more palatable heading, abortion is autonomy. We
lose abortion, and we've lost the most basic ownership of our own
bodies and lives, no matter what gender you happen to be.
Perhaps no one has ever concretely, and theoretically explained
strategically, why abortion, and abortion providers, and women who
have abortions must be stood beside and actively supported if you have
any intention of living anywhere other than a fascist snitch culture
of State-ist and vigilante control.
reading >
More than a Decade Later: Our Inaugural Article
We wrote this article following the Promise Keepers' 1997 mass rally
on the Mall in Washington, DC. While focusing on that event, in this
article we pointed out that PK was one indication of "a very basic shift in
American culture which will be felt far beyond the political sphere."
More than a decade later, the rise of a "Biblical America" continues, with
major domestic and international consequences; most of the
observations and conclusions we made then still hold true today, and
are helpful in understanding current events.
reading >
Operation Save America and Minutemen United, led by Flip Benham and
Dave Daubenmire, conduct a
ritual Koran
burning at Columbus, Ohio, City Hall, July 22, 2004.
Enlarge - Photo: Mike Doughney/
"We have now three choices when we deal with Islam. We can be killed by them... We can kill them... Or we can convert them to Christ."
-- OSA director Flip Benham
During July, 2004, Operation
Save America (OSA), also known as Operation Rescue, held
their annual week-long event in Columbus, Ohio, in cooperation with
the Ohio organization, Minutemen United. OSA
has had a long history of targeting entire cities, disrupting
neighborhoods, businesses and organizations that they believe stand in
the way of their vision of an America governed entirely by their
particular interpretation of Biblical law. OSA director Flip Benham
and a number of OSA and Minutemen United members
have since been arrested in Florida outside the hospice of Terri
Schiavo during March of 2005. was a
communications resource for developing and coordinating an effective
oppositional response to the actions of Operation Save
America and its Ohio symphathizers in Columbus during that summer. It
now serves to tell the story of that event, and it's a resource for
others seeking to respond effectively to OSA or similar groups in the
In the aftermath of Joseph Ratzinger's elevation to Pope, and the
raising of the question of "respecting" religion and the religious
being raised in many Daily Kos diaries, I have a story to tell, about
a public event I witnessed with my own eyes last summer that involved
both prominent Catholic clergy and activist Protestants. Perhaps it
will serve to clarify exactly how religion should be "respected," or
not. From Mike Doughney's diary at Daily Kos, April 19, 2005.
Continue reading >
The occupation of Columbus City Hall grounds by Operation Save America
was an unprecedented event, both for the city and OSA. Never in the
history of this group, as far as we can determine, have they taken
over such a public space for six days, twenty-four hours a day. In
doing so they demonstrated exactly what we had written about them
months before: that more than simply an anti-abortion and anti-gay
group, they are, in the words of director Flip Benham, out to "kick
the table over in the name of Jesus Christ and take over." As
published on The Columbus Free Press website, August 15, 2004.
reading >
Vigilante enforcers of the so-called "culture war" will be targeting
the city of Columbus this summer. Operation Save America, the
organization that once called itself Operation Rescue and was infamous
for its actions targeting abortion clinics, has named Columbus as the
target of its week-long national event beginning July 17. As
published in The Columbus Free Press, July 2004.
reading >
"Trophy Convert" Series
Norma McCorvey with
Jubilee editor Paul
Hall. From
The Jubilee Newspaper, May/June 1998.
McCorvey and Bernard Nathanson - the
"Jane Roe" of Roe vs. Wade, and a former abortion provider - today are
periodically put forward in advertising or promotional events as
"trophy converts" who now work in support of the "pro-life" movement.
Both appear to have an ongoing relationship with televangelist
D. James Kennedy, whose Center for Reclaiming
America created both the Operation
Outcry and Shake
the Nation campaigns in which both McCorvey and Nathanson have
been featured.
The "Jane Roe" of Roe v. Wade is now a fixture on the "pro-life" talk circuit. She's also
been quite friendly with the racist editor of a newspaper closely associated
with the Christian Identity movement. Continue reading >
Nathanson at Philadelphia press conference, November 16, 1997
The producer of the "Silent Scream" film
now puts himself forward as a bioethicist. How does he respond when he's
asked about his own questionable conduct?
And what does he really think about abortion prohibition, its
inevitable impact on women, or the
nature of secular government? We caught up to Nathanson at an event
in Philadelphia, where even we were surprised by his answers.
reading >
Past Feature Articles

televangelist Dick Dewert
During the runup to the 2006 Canadian
parliamentary election, the founder and president of Canada's first
religious television station, The Miracle Channel, in a live national
broadcast, explicitly directed viewers who wanted more information on
how they should vote to the website
of This
website contains lists
of endorsed candidates and says that the site's purpose is
"Working to Elect a Pro-traditional Marriage Parliament."
reading >
A speech by Ashcroft in which he praises an instance of religious
intolerance suggests that, as Attorney General, he would pursue a
supremacist ideology, threatening the civil rights of many
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Televangelist Jerry Falwell, frame from Carman's God's Got an Army music video
This was a video montage composed of
selected video clips that we'd gathered to
illustrate four obvious themes of this movement. The most basic
theme, from which this web page gets its name, is the assumption that
America must be based on their particular literal interpretation of
the Bible. We also show how they use military imagery and terms to
promote their agenda, demonize their opponents and all those whose
lifestyles don't conform to their demands, and how they manipulate
human reproduction to advance and grow their movement. Produced as
part of a presentation at the Bastard Nation conference
in San Francisco, July 1998. Continue reading >
On the eve of the twenty-sixth anniversary of the Roe versus Wade
decision, it's time to come to terms with where we are. 'Choice' as a
euphemism for abortion is dead. It's part of a flawed and obsolete
strategy; we should instead ask for what we really want: unrestricted
access to abortion.
Continue reading >
The tactics that have been used by
Special Prosecutor Ken
Starr, which have resulted in the impeachment of President
Clinton, seem very
familiar to some of us who work around issues of reproductive
freedom. Why? Those tactics are the very same ones that
have been honed for years through attacks on reproductive health
clinics and abortion providers.Continue reading >
ORN director Flip Benham with Barbara Bell at
Disney's Maingate, Orlando, Florida, 12/97. Photo: Mike Doughney/
Our coverage of Operation Rescue National's visit to Orlando, Florida,
in June 1998. Continue
reading >
This is the most persistent question we heard preceding Operation
Rescue's 1998 visit to Orlando. We dig through the theology and history of the leadership of ORN and much of Biblical America in our effort to develop an explanation for this anticipated and unprecedented event.
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Rutherford Institute founding board member Frank Schaeffer
"Let us call Clinton and the Democratic party what they are. They
are the spearhead of the new neo-Nazi eugenic movement."
The founder and head of the Rutherford Institute, while financing
Paula Jones'
attack on the President, insists that he's "not out to get Bill Clinton."
The same can't be said for his close friend, associate, and onetime
Rutherford board member Frank Schaeffer, who has called Clinton and
the Democratic Party the "spearhead of the new neo-Nazi eugenic
movement." Schaeffer made these comments at an event organized by a
group whose leader advocates the formation of militias and violence
against abortion providers.
Continue reading >
Promise Keepers Series
Part 1 of the series, as published in
the Body Politic, March/April 1998.
reading >
While many people are uneasy with the Promise Keepers movement,
attempts to counter the PK influence are frustrated by a persistent
scarcity of credible criticism and effective practical methods. We
continue our exploration of the ideology of the Promise Keeper
movement and propose several methods of explaining and exposing the
more disturbing aspects of the PK agenda, with a particular emphasis
on showing how much of that agenda is abhorrent to most Americans.
Continue reading >
BARF's inaugural article, as it appeared
in the Body Politic.
We explain why we view Promise Keepers as only one
manifestation of a broad cultural and political movement, and how the
so-called 'pro-life' movement - that we name by their true goal,
compulsory pregnancy - are a laboratory through which
methods of conversion, and legitimizing vigilante action, are developed.
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