Biblical America: the social movement that seeks to use the Bible as the
sole basis of all governance and social interaction. BARF:
a resource for all who work to monitor and counter the
Biblical America movement. No white
flags: Individually or socially, never give
in to, nor accomodate, this movement's extremist demands.
from the creators of
Profiles |
 | Institute
for Christian Economics |
BARF People/Organization Profile
Gary North and the Institute for Christian Economics
Basic facts:
- North is R.J. Rushdoony's
- Co-author, with Gary DeMar, of Christian Reconstruction:
What It Is, What It Isn't (Institute for Christian Economics, 1991)
- Author of Victim's Rights and Introduction to
Christian Economics (1973)
- Member of the Council for National Policy
- Joined staff of Chalcedon in 1973; began editing Chalcedon's
Journal of Christian Reconstructionism in 1974; founded
Institute for Christian Economics in 1975
- Member of Coalition on Revival
For further reading:
- Mike Lorenz, Gary North, Y2K, and Hidden Agendas.
- Frederick Clarkson, Eternal Hostility: The Struggle Between
Theocracy and Democracy. Common Courage Press, Monroe, Maine, 1997
- Frederick Clarkson,
Christian Reconstructionism: Theocratic Dominionism Gains
Influence, Part 3 Public Eye Magazine, June 1994
- Jerry Sloan, John Stoos
Reveals... A Hidden Agenda? Freedom Writer, April 1995
- Trespassing for Dear Life: What is Operation Rescue Up To?
by Gary North. Dominion Press, Fort Worth, Texas, 1989. Excerpt
- Institute for Christian
Economics, includes a large library of North's works, including
those listed above
- Gary North's Y2K Links and
Forums, also here
Last updated February 22, 1999