Author, Feedom’s End - Conspiracy in Oklahoma will re-count the facts about his own arrest and his brother’s involvement (or lack there of) in the Murrah Federal Building bombing...
Co-author of James’ new book (Freedom’s End) will also bring our guests facts about the bombing and the trials.
from the Freedom Center will explain in layman’s terms what the Montana Freemen did and didn’t do and explain the trial now
under way...
Author of Militia Nation; and Contributing Editor, Media Bypass Magazine; will offer us an inside look at how the media works in his talk "Mastering The Media."
America’s foremost Theocratic Economist. Author of Theocratic vs Democratic Money. What’s the truth about the "cash-less" society?
Mr. anderson is a nationally respected lecturer and author on health issues. He will bring our guests the latest in health news and information. We will win the war against drugs… prescription drugs that are killing our children. .
Mark Ludwig, author of The Millenium Bug -Gateway to the Cashless
Society? Will the Year 2000 computer crash affect you? If so, how?
Mr. Ludwig is a theoretical physicist, computer systems designer and
programmer. Author of several books on computer viruses.
Norma McCorvey!! Who is she? She is Jane Roe of the 1973 Supreme
Court decision Roe Vs. Wade. McCorvey was the one who wanted an
abortion! Now, 25 years later she has been called from darkness into
His marvelous Light - Miss McCorvey vehemently opposes abortion! Hear
her incredible story firsthand! Learn how she was used! She tells all!
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